Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress adds to your site unique WordPress social share buttons, awesome looking social followers counter, easy to use subscribe to mail list forms and social live chat functionality. All that in the recognized as the most powerful and feature packed social sharing plugin by WordPress experts. Revolutionary WordPress social sharing plugin trusted by 310,000+ sites.
This extensive social sharing plugin for WordPress offers maximum flexibility and social media exposure by allowing you to share on more than 50 of the major social networks, including a wide range of mobile messengers. Not only that, but Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress also boasts the best and most complete package of 55+ beautiful templates for social sharing and personal template builder, and the most comprehensive set of 30+ automatic design positions, 30+ attention grabbing and eye catching animations. This social sharing plugin for WordPress is unique in covering every possible location for displaying your social share buttons.
Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is real trendsetter in social media for WordPress for an upcoming 4 years, trusted by all type of WordPress sites including leading technology brands. With Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you get everything you need to boost your social shares, increase your social followers or grow your mailing list in just a single WordPress plugin. Will your WordPress site be next to grow social shares, followers or subscribers?
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